How can you get your resume noticed by a recruiter ?

For job seekers, one of the main challenges is to get their resumes noticed by recruiters. Many times,
the best candidates do not get enough calls from recruiters because their resume is not up-to-the-
mark or lacks some details and aspects and therefore recruiters fail to notice these resumes.

What can job seekers do to get their resumes noticed?

To get their resumes noticed, job seekers can make sure that they prepare their resumes in a
a manner that lists all the important aspects associated with the job and by making it simple yet
Some tips for job seekers to get their resume noticed

  • Using keywords from the job description: When job seekers include keywords from the job description in their resume, their chances of being noticed by the recruiters increase manifold. These keywords must be highlighted and must appear under main headings of the resume instead of being nestled deep in the resume.
  • Use direct channels: It is good for job seekers to apply for jobs on specific job portals or websites. However, there are chances that the resume goes unnoticed because of the large number of applications for one job role. To get their resume noticed, job seekers can use direct channels instead of getting in touch with the hiring manager and sharing the resume with the manager. This increases the probability of the resume being noticed.
  • Include a cover letter: Most of the time, cover letters are considered unnecessary. However, this is also a reason of why the resume may not get noticed. Therefore, job seekers must try and include a cover letter that highlights important aspects of the resume so that the recruiters are coerced to notice the resume and consider it.
  • Do not include cliché words: It is important for the resume to be well-written and structured. In addition, the resume must be written in simple language and the job seekers must avoid cliché words as much as possible.
  • Avoid cluttering: The resume must be as detailed as possible but not cluttered. For example, it is best to include recent work experience rather than listing work experience more than ten years old. This adds unnecessarily to the resume and most recruiters may not read it also. A resume must not be very lengthy because recruiters avoid reading very long ones.

A resume well written and with all essential details would have a high probability of being noticed by