Writing a good job ad is a fine art and also a tricky task as opposed to what it seems. In a job ad, recruiters want to write something that gets potential candidates excited to apply. What most recruiters want to write in their job ad is to make their organisation look and sound good. However, that is not exactly what the potential candidates are looking for in the job ad.
A job ad is the first impression candidates get of the organisation and so, recruiters need to think hard before framing a job ad. The content, design as well as branding need to be thought about in detail to write the job ad.
A few things that candidates would want to see in a job ad are listed below:
Company Value: Candidates are more likely to apply for roles in a company that they share their beliefs and ideals with. Normally, candidates would want to know how ethical a company is and whether or not it has some social obligations.
Job Title and Description: Job title is the first thing in a job ad that usually attracts the candidates. Therefore, recruiters need to make sure that all relevant information regarding the job are available in the job ad. The job ad must give a clear idea of who and what the organisation is looking for. The prospective candidates also want to know what the position entails and whether they are qualified or not. A good job ad accurately describes the responsibilities of the position.
Attractive Salary: The saying “money matters” holds true for job ads as candidates look for the salary package in it. Recruiters need to include in the job ad the salary as well as the incentives that the candidates can get from the job role.
Training and Development: The job ad must also specify whether or not the candidates will be able to undergo training and experience career development when they take up the job role.
Benefits: A good job ad must list the benefits that a company offers to the candidates. Recruiters need to specify benefits like pension schemes, healthcare benefits and any other benefits that the companies offer to candidates as it attracts many candidates to apply for the job.
Recruiters must make sure to make their job ads detailed enough as well as provide an overview of everything that makes the job attractive for many candidates.